
One of our favorite hobbies here at Wholly Macro is to create recipes. Our philosophy, is to take any dish, or any recipe, from wherever you see it, eat it, read about it, or literally from anywhere at all, and simply make it healthy. Sometimes we say, make it macrobiotic. When we say "make it macrobiotic", we simply mean to apply the healthy principles found in the ancient wisdom of Oriental Medicine, utilizing the many healing foods that we can borrow from Oriental Medicine, and incorporate them into any existing recipe, replacing unhealthy ingredients with healthy and appropriate substitutes, until voila, you have created a brand new healthy version of some tried and true all time favorite dishes. We color coordinate the dishes, we coordinate them seasonally, and we keep all things in mind within each recipe: a perfect balance and blend of culinary appeal and healing properties, so that each and every dish we create resonates within your body on every level, within every chakra, reaching, comforting, satisfying, and healing every organ and cell, physically and emotionally.
The recipes we have selected for you here were originally created for The Wholly Macro Prepared Foods Weekly Delivery Service Menus, or for private cooking clients. We would like to point out, that our weekly delivery service menu's are an education unto themselves, whether you order from the menu or not. Once you become familiar with the basic principles of healthy cooking, which you can do by taking a Cooking class, or doing a Natural Lifestyle Consultation, you can actually read our description of a dish from our menu, get the general gist of it, and try it for yourself. You can create your own version and recipe of the dishes we create for our menu's. And if you were to actually order from our menu, you could read about the dish as you eat it, discovering each unique nuance of it, until you were able to duplicate it yourself. You will find some of our most popular recipes within this page. Please enjoy them. Let your creative juices flow as you turn them into your own masterpieces! If you would like to join our mailing list so that you can receive our weekly menu's you can do so here.